볼로레로지스틱스, 2022년 매출액 71억 유로...처리량은 해상화물 71만TEU, 항공화물 39만톤

사진 출처:CMA CGM 홈페이지
사진 출처:CMA CGM 홈페이지

프랑스 선사 CMA CGM는 2월 29일, 프랑스 볼로레그룹으로부터 볼로레로지스틱스 인수를 완료했다고 발표했다. 인수액은 48억5000만유로. CMA CGM에 따르면 1978년 설립 이래 최대의 인수가 된다고 한다. 자회사 세바로지스틱스와 아울러 볼로레로지스틱스를 그룹화함으로써 국제물류를 세계 5위의 사업규모로 확대한다고 일본해사신문은 전했다.

볼로레로지스틱스는 프랑스 대형 물류기업으로 2022년 매출액은 71억 유로, 처리량은 해상화물 71만TEU, 항공화물 39만톤, 창고면적은 90만평방미터에 달한다.

볼로레로지스틱스는 CMA CGM에 의한 인수 완료에 앞서 자회사 볼로레솔루션스로지스틱스(BSL)를 통해 프랑스 헬스케어 물류회사 STEF 로지스틱스 상떼(SLS)를 인수한 것을 밝혔다. BSL은 알자스에서의 온도관리 스페이스 1만평방미터를 포함한 창고 8만5000평방미터를 운영하며, 항공ㆍ해상 수출입 화물도 처리한다.

사진 출처:CMA CGM 홈페이지
사진 출처:CMA CGM 홈페이지

The Bolloré Group and the CMA CGM Group announce the successful sale of Bolloré Logistics to CMA CGM


The Bolloré Group and the CMA CGM Group announce the completion today of the sale of 100 % of Bolloré Logistics to CMA CGM, it being specified that the transfer of Bolloré Logistics Sweden AB to the CMA CGM Group remains subject to the latter obtaining foreign investment clearance in Sweden.  

The purchase price is 4.850 billion euros, on the basis of the estimated debt and cash on the completion date.  

As a leading transport and logistics company in France, and one of the main players in the sector worldwide, Bolloré Logistics achieved in 2022 a turnover of 7.1 billion euros, transported 710,000 TEUs of ocean freight and 390,000 tons of air freight, along with a storage capacity of 900,000 m2. 

This is CMA CGM’s largest acquisition since its creation in 1978 and constitutes a major step in the CMA CGM Group’s logistics development strategy, complementing its historical maritime transport line of business.  

Mr. Rodolphe Saadé, CEO and Chairman of the CMA CGM Group, declared: “I would like to thank the Bolloré Group for the trustful dialogue we have established over the last few months to successfully finalize this acquisition. Within the CMA CGM Group, we are proud to welcome a French flagship built on years of work and experience. The new entity, made up of CEVA and Bolloré Logistics, is the world's number 5 in its sector. We will now be able to offer our customers a complete range of services and extend our expertise to new businesses. On behalf of the CMA CGM Group and my family, I would like to welcome the 14,000 employees who are joining us today. Together, we will combine our talents and accelerate our development!” 

Mr. Cyrille Bolloré, CEO and Chairman of the Bolloré Group, added: “This is the beginning of a new chapter for Bolloré Logistics’ employees. I am very pleased that they are joining the CMA CGM Group and the Saadé family. They will bring unique expertise and know-how, which have long made the pride of the Group and which will be the pride of CMA CGM tomorrow. It is also a great opportunity for our customers around the world and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their trust and loyalty”.  

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